Friday, August 20, 2010

Diversity in the Workplace

I'm employed by a large Fortune 500 company with a long history in the U.S.  While the company has a global presence, the majority of its operations and cash flows come from North America.  Like most companies its size, you can find someone in the company from practically every race, religion, sex, etc.  There is no doubt that diversity is beneficial to companies in the hyper-competitive global environment of today.  Bright ideas come from across the globe, from various cultures, experiences and points of view.

But how do companies train their employees about diversity?  In many companies diversity training seems forced and lacks meaning.  However, the benefits of effective diversity training are tremendous.  One study found much higher commitment to one's organization and job satisfaction among those that perceived diversity training to be provide them with real value.

My question to you is:  What is effective diversity training?  Provide me with some examples.  I'd love nothing more than the ability to improve our current curriculum of diversity training.

1 comment:

  1. Cultural Intelligence is a good place to start. Take a look at the Cultural CQ article in the October 2004 Harvard Business Review.
